Obligatory default rules for all assignments are here (in german).
Students may work and submit assignments in groups of up to 3.
Assignments must be delivered in
directory /tmp/parsys/youraccountname
on wr0.wr.inf.h-brs.de as described in the above
Practical exercises must be done - unless otherwise stated -
on the following systems:
sequential: wr8 (batch queue wr8)
OpenMP: wr8 (batch queue wr8)
MPI: wr10-wr19 (batch queue mpi)
CUDA / OpenACC: wr7 (batch queue wr7)
OpenMP 4.0: wr6 (batch queue wr6)
All jobs to batch queues must be submitted through the batch system
from wr0.wr.inf.h-brs.de as login node.
(see the
documentation ).
You may use wr0 interactively for program
development for sequential and OpenMP programs. But all production
runs must be executed solely on the systems defined above using the
batch system.
All Documentation for the WR-cluster can be found under "Further Information"
Accounts for these systems will be set up in the first week.